I was saddened to hear that Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson passed away. I watched some of Farrah's Story and I found it so heartbreaking. Since they both left this earth on my birthday, I feel they are somehow a part of my life cycle now. I am not sure exactly what that means or even why I feel that way, but as the saying goes "it is what it is" and I accept it.
On a lighter note, yesterday my hubby and I went to a Corvette car show on Saturday and oh boy , were there lots of pretty cars there, from the fist year (1953) to brand new. They were auctioning some off and due to the economy some people were getting bargains. It was a nice day for a ride, but just as we got home, a storm came up and wow it was a doozy. Then as quickly as it came, it was gone.
Sunday turned out to be even nicer than Saturday, so we took another drive to a town that was having an art show. It was so beautiful out that we rode with the windows down (which we rarely do anymore) and let the wind blow. The art show was in a park with photographers, painters, sculpters, and even a completely portable pottery set up where a man was sitting at a potter's wheel "throwing a pot"out of clay. He had a kiln of some sort, glazing materials, and examples of his beautiful pots, vases, and various art works. He was amazing to watch!
Well... it's late and my grandson is coming at 8:30 am to grandma sit, so I had better go to bed.
The Whimsical World of Tim Burton in London
1 week ago